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*Wendy, it was so lovely to meet you and it was such impactful work! I had a little nap after our session and I woke up just feeling like everything was different. I even feel like my senses are more awake! I'm so extremely grateful!! It would be my honour to endorse your work!!

Dear Wendy,

*When the Reiki treatment began, I wondered if it were possible for you to penetrate the myriad of thoughts whirling inside my head. You likened the chaos to a firing ping-pong ball enclosed in a box. I left after the one-hour session feeling energized and more importantly, clear headed. I've been very focused since - and it's several days later. I have more energy and feel peaceful. My pace has lessened, but I'm more productive. ... A wonderful benefit since I'm self employed. Thank you, Wendy. You work miracles.

Dear Wendy,

*I can't thank you enough for helping me to stop smoking. I now feel like a non-smoker; that's a big change from feeling like smoker who has quit yet again. After only one hypnotherapy session together with listening to your CD for the past three weeks, I know in my healthier heart that I am a non-smoker for the rest of my life. Truly a breath of fresh air!

Dear Wendy,

*For almost 47 years, I've had a fear of being confined. It was only through a hypnosis session with you that I understood its origin. With your gentle voice, I regressed and re-experienced a past life - and interestingly, although the conditions were terse, I didn't feel fear or pain during the session. I was a witness to myself - as though watching a movie. Now, when I feel that same fear, which seldom happens now, I send love to myself and the feeling dissipates. The panic that once accompanied the fear drains into the earth and I feel safe. What an incredible healing. Thank you, Wendy. I would not have trusted anyone else.

Dear Wendy,

*Your hypnosis worked miracles! Yes, I experienced what I consider normal before-singing apprehension/ butterflies, but no different than when I perform my own music. However, my anxiety during both nights - at the dress rehearsal and at the performance - was greatly reduced. Just before I began to sing, I told myself to remain calm and relax, and enjoy the experience. I didn't get that all-too-familiar tightening and the feeling that I had no voice or breath.

In the interim, I will continue to do the self-hypnosis for the remaining 20 days, but I'm estatic by the results I have now. It was a pleasure working with you. By the way, my husband is really surprised at how calm I seem in general. Thank you so much.

Dear Wendy,

*Thank you so much for all of your help. Hypnosis has changed my life in so many positive ways. For the first time in years I can honestly say that I feel free and wonderful because I am non-smoker for life.

Your smoking cessation program has allowed me to quit smoking without the use of drugs or nicotine replacement products. I have been able to quit cold turkey little to no side effects. The usual cravings, which can be incapacitating, were very minor and easily overcome. The post hypnotic suggestions you provided helped to keep me focused and relaxed whenever I felt like I wanted a cigarette.

Weight gain is another negative aspect of quitting smoking that I have always suffered from in the past. With hypnosis I did not replace food for cigarettes and after three months have actually begun to lose weight! I have also been able to bring the self-hypnosis you taught me into all aspects of my life. It is a wonderful stress-reliever and is so quick and easy that it can be done anywhere at any time.

Thank you for helping me to become a healthier, happier person Wendy. For the first time I feel fully prepared to face the challenges of remaining a non-smoker for life. Hypnosis has done that for me where no other method could do.

Yours Truly,

Dear Wendy,

*Thank you so much for the wonderful healing session last Tuesday. I no longer have that horrible anxiety and I feel like I crossed a barrier that I have been trying to cross but could not. I plan on seeing you again, to work on some other issues. Looking forward to seeing you again,

Dear Wendy,

*Thank you so much for all of your help. Hypnosis has changed my life in so many positive ways. For the first time in years I can honestly say that I feel free and wonderful because I am non-smoker for life.

Your smoking cessation program has allowed me to quit smoking without the use of drugs or nicotine replacement products. I have been able to quit cold turkey little to no side effects. The usual cravings, which can be incapacitating, were very minor and easily overcome. The post hypnotic suggestions you provided helped to keep me focused and relaxed whenever I felt like I wanted a cigarette.

Weight gain is another negative aspect of quitting smoking that I have always suffered from in the past. With hypnosis I did not replace food for cigarettes and after three months have actually begun to lose weight! I have also been able to bring the self-hypnosis you taught me into all aspects of my life. It is a wonderful stress-reliever and is so quick and easy that it can be done anywhere at any time.

Thank you for helping me to become a healthier, happier person Wendy. For the first time I feel fully prepared to face the challenges of remaining a non-smoker for life. Hypnosis has done that for me where no other method could do.

Yours Truly,

To Whom It May Concern:

*In Oct. 1999, after much consideration and exhausting other conventional forms of help, we sought out Wendy Armstrong-Hauraney in an attempt to help our youngest son, then 10 years old. He was having a great deal of difficulty with a facial twitch as well as his self-esteem, interaction with others and his ability to concentrate and excel in school. We visited with Wendy, at which time she was able to put both my son and myself at ease, we found she had a definite way about her and was able to gain my son's trust easily and quickly, then and only then, did she proceed with the hypnosis.

My son was fully aware of everything; she made every attempt to calmly and carefully explain every aspect so he would grasp fully what was happening. In addition to visiting Wendy in her home, she gave us, as parents, tools to use as home, tools which we continue to use to this day when we see our son needs a bit of extra help.

Happily ourselves, as well as his teachers, peers and grandparents, noticed improvements right away. He grew more self-confident daily, his twitch dissipated and then disappeared altogether, his marks in school improved dramatically and he was able to control his body as well as the feelings of frustration and desperation by practicing what Wendy taught him. Today he still has episodes of frustration especially when school started back in Sept., but thanks to Wendy he was able to nip them in the bud, and on his own. He practiced his relaxation techniques and we read the positive reinforcements to him nightly, and within a very short time saw the improvements once again.

Although skeptical at first, I am now truly convinced that through Wendy and her skills both in dealing with people and as a hypnotist, my son now has the tools he will need to get him through any of life's trials and tribulations. By allowing her his trust he gained valuable insights into his own body and mind and I know he would not be the fun, loving, excellent student he is today were it not for this treatment. We are truly grateful.

*Disclaimer - results may vary