


Tues.- Fri: 10AM - 6PM

At the Wellness Centre,

we are regular people helping regular people with regular problems. We help you stop the struggle, the stress overload, the energy drain, the frustration – and help you use your own inner mind and your own inner resources to overcome challenges, negative beliefs, make the positive changes you desire, and be the person you want to be.

Through Hypnosis, Spiritual Alchemy & Energy Healing with Reiki and Shamanic Spiritual Energy Healing and Journeying, Trauma Release,  the Wellness Centre helps clients tap into their own power to help them make changes they desire.

Our Services


Hypnosis helps you to quit smoking, stop over-eating, lose weight, stop nail-biting, combat phobias and more. To make these changes, you need to change your mind. We can help you do that.


Reiki is a process of tapping into the Universal life force energy to help balance and restore your natural energy to encourage better health, self-healing, and even self-development.


Shamanism - Spiritual Alchemy

Shamanism utilizes Traditional Ceremonies and Journeying to help identify the root cause of issues, and helps in the healing of both conscious & non-conscious issues. Works on the non-physical causes of things to resolve them using Spirit, Energy, and Consciousness.


528 Rapid Trauma Release™

The aim is to alleviate the emotional toll on one’s health caused by distressing events or ongoing circumstances.


Wendy offers a variety of training and workshops that helps her clients tap into their own power and make the changes they desire.

Request an Engagement

Contact Wendy to arrange a speaking engagement or Lunch and Learn.

Self-care is not selfish or self-indulgent. It is simply good practice.

~ Unknown

Thanks & Praise

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*Wendy, it was so lovely to meet you and it was such impactful work! I had a little nap after our session and I woke up just feeling like everything was different. I even feel like my senses are more awake! I'm so extremely grateful!! It would be my honour to endorse your work!!

N. Macrae Ottawa

*When the Reiki treatment began, I wondered if it were possible for you to penetrate the myriad of thoughts whirling inside my head. You likened the chaos to a firing ping-pong ball enclosed in a box. I left after the one-hour session feeling energized and more importantly, clear headed. I've been very focused since - and it's several days later. I have more energy and feel peaceful. My pace has lessened, but I'm more productive. ... A wonderful benefit since I'm self employed. Thank you, Wendy. You work miracles.

Sheila Ottawa, Ontario

*I can't thank you enough for helping me to stop smoking. I now feel like a non-smoker; that's a big change from feeling like smoker who has quit yet again. After only one hypnotherapy session together with listening to your CD for the past three weeks, I know in my healthier heart that I am a non-smoker for the rest of my life. Truly a breath of fresh air!

J.W. Ottawa, Ontario

*For almost 47 years, I've had a fear of being confined. It was only through a hypnosis session with you that I understood its origin. With your gentle voice, I regressed and re-experienced a past life - and interestingly, although the conditions were terse, I didn't feel fear or pain during the session. I was a witness to myself - as though watching a movie. Now, when I feel that same fear, which seldom happens now, I send love to myself and the feeling dissipates. The panic that once accompanied the fear drains into the earth and I feel safe. What an incredible healing. Thank you, Wendy. I would not have trusted anyone else.

Sheila G. Dunrobin, Onatrio

These services do not provide diagnoses or replace professional medical or psychological services.

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