528 Rapid Trauma Release™ Technique Workshop
Release the Issues from Your Tissues
Trauma from accidents, surgery, and other life challenges can be stored in the body, affecting physical health. Unprocessed emotions/stress/trauma can trigger a body’s fight, flight or freeze mode. Long term, a continuously activated sympathetic nervous
system may contribute to health issues.
This new, rapid trauma release technique does not involve hypnosis or talk therapy. The client identifies an issue but does not have to relive the memories or even say it aloud, unless they want to.
In this three and a half hour (3.5) workshop you will learn a very simple procedure to activate another person’s energetic body and nervous system that will clear a particular issue from that body in one session. It is safe and very effective in removing the emotional charge of even longstanding issues, for lasting results. You won’t believe it until you try it!
*Please note that serious psychological issues—including but not limited to abuse, mental illness, and addiction—should be addressed by a licensed professional.
Testimonials from clients: “I had been suffering from Long Covid for over 2 years. After one session with Wendy I felt the virus release its hold on me at last.” A week later she reported “I got my life back!”
– Barrhaven, ON, October 2023
Another client’s issue was feeling unsafe. After one round, she reported: “There was all this energy going up and down my spine… I felt the energy in my head, in my body. My body was vibrating.” Immediately after client finished processing, she was asked if she could relate to feeling unsafe. “Hardly. It’s like I am reading it in a book… I just couldn’t believe it. It was like, WOW! 65 years of my life, this is how I have lived to keep myself safe. At the moment I can’t think of anything else but gratitude that I could ever feel this free.” Twenty minutes later, client added: “When we finished (the first round) it was 1.5 and now it is maybe 0.5. The number keeps dropping slowly. I think by the time I get home it will be a zero!”
— Ottawa, ON, October 2023
SATURDAY MARCH 8, 2025, 10 AM TO 1:30 PM; In person
Location Barrhaven, (Ottawa) Ontario; Cost $100+ HST = $113
Interested in hosting a workshop in the Ottawa-Gatineau Region? (Outside Ottawa minimum of 10 students @ $115-$125/person or a higher $/person so instructor can cover travel costs & time.) You will need an armless chair for every two students, and enough space to give practice partners some privacy.